
, Envelope Liners, invitations

While completing invitations for an upcoming birthday party – more on that later! – it became apparent that our white invitation inside a white envelope didn’t pop.  And, with an immediate need to complete this project, we had to get crafty.  So with a quick glance at our available supplies we jumped right in to make our own envelope liners.

Quick step-by-step:  DIY Envelope Liner

1. Supplies:  Construction paper or medium card stock, scissors, and double sided tape.  A sturdy colored paper is much easier to use than typical colored printer paper because it doesn’t flop around when making the template.

2.  Make the liner template:

2a. Place paper on the envelope just a little inset so that the liner will be smaller than the envelope when the liner is completed.  Important so that liner will fit into envelope.

2b.  Cut paper to size of envelope.

2c.  Recut the triangle at top so that it is a 1/4″ smaller and leaves room to activate sealant on envelope.

3.  Insert into envelope and use a piece of double sided tape to secure in the envelope.

Use the template to cut out as many envelope liners as needed.  So easy and looks amazing for a couple extra minutes of effort!

And, doesn’t our invitation look better?!!